Bambina haitiana che sorride con lo sguardo rivolto in alto

Social Report ‘23
Our numbers

Here you can find all the data on activities implemented and results achieved during 2023. AVSI Annual Report is available in English, French and Spanish.

The profile that emerges from our 2023 Annual Report is of a civil society organization that continues to grow, staying true to its own origins while responding quickly and flexibly to major world events. Throughout the year, AVSI supported over 8 million people with 355 projects in the 42 countries where it works: a "promise of development" that inspires us to look ahead with hope, to tomorrow.

Patrizia Savi, President, and Giampaolo Silvestri, Secretary General of Fondazione AVSI
AVSI in numbers
355 Projects
42 Countries
124,919,924 Aggregate revenue (including extraordinary income)
2,116 Staff
8,667,441 Direct beneficiaries
21,093 Children and young people within the Distance Support Program

Activity sectors and policy areas

When classifying our activities, we want to represent the multi-sectoral nature of our work, which is common to the majority of our projects. So, we have decided to use a multi-dimensional approach when classifying our activity sectors. Each project is assigned a primary sector, but a project can also be categorized into other sectors and sub-sectors. This approach accounts for the many sectors of a project that very often can be as important as the main one. Our activities have also been broken down into our cross-cutting policy areas of greatest significance. To do this we have considered the approaches we take and our implementation mechanisms. Here, we have broken down our data into projects based on our main sectors of activity and policy areas.

Direct beneficiaries

8.667.441 people

  • 19% Babies (aged 0-5)
  • 18% Children (aged 6-12)
  • 22% Teenagers (aged 13-18)
  • 24% Young people (aged 19-24)
  • 12% Young adults (aged 25-35)
  • 5% Adults (aged 36 and over)
  • 56% Women
  • 44% Men


  • Civil society organizations 500
  • Local businesses and cooperatives 2.581
  • Local authorities 554
  • Education facilities (schools, education centers, etc.) 1.455
  • Healthcare facilities (hospitals, health centers, etc.) 237

Indirect beneficiaries

18.509.905 people


  • Civil society organizations 408
  • Local businesses and cooperatives 1.538
  • Local authorities 474
  • Education facilities (schools, education centers, etc.) 2.621
  • Healthcare facilities (hospitals, health centers, etc.) 747


Projects per continent

  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023


  • 170

Latin America and the Caribbeans

  • 60

Middle East

  • 49


  • 13


  • 60

355 development and humanitarian aid projects

  • 329 in 39 countries


  • 364 in 40 countries


  • 355 in 42 countries
