Country Mexico
Children supported at distance
Direct beneficiaries
Indirect beneficiaries
Founding Members
Crecemos DIJO A.C.
– Dignidad y Justicia en el Camino A.C (FM4 Paso Libre)   – Junior Achievement México (JA México)   – Confraternidad Carcelaria de México A.C.   – Enel Green Power   – ENI  
AVSI in Mexico
  • Ciudad de Mexico Central Office
    Hipólito Taine #244, interior oficinas 22 y 23,
    Colonia Polanco V Sección, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo,
    Ciudad de México. C.P. 11560
    phone: 8623 5522, ext. 522 y 523
  • Oaxaca Office
    Oaxaca #211 Depto 4 PA,
    San José de la Noria,
    C.P. 68120
    phone: 951 501 2618
  • Tabasco Office
    Av. Adolfo Ruíz Cortínes #1344,
    Colonia Tabasco 2000,
    Villahermosa. C.P. 86035
    phone: 993 500 0301

AVSI has been present in Mexico since 1987, where it has developed projects in regions with a high degree of marginalization and indigenous presence, interventions in education, training, environment, migration, human rights, among other sectors.

AVSI in Mexico has offices in Oaxaca, Mexico City and Tabasco and operates with a wide network of partners also in Jalisco, Yucatan, Queretaro, Guanajuato.

In 2019, AVSI Mexico A.C. has been established with the objective of promoting local development and articulating relationships and alliances with CSOs, donors, companies and authorities.  AVSI Mexico A.C. has all the knowledge and expertise of AVSI, in addition to being deeply rooted in the Mexican territory.


Through workshops, courses and diploma courses, educators, teachers and in-service personnel are trained as agents of improvement of the professional and community environment, recognizing the importance of the educator in the encounter with the student. We work on the strengthening and educational accompaniment for girls and boys in order to promote an inclusive and dignified education. We also promote the inclusion of parents in educational and family/community integration activities.


AVSI contributes to the enjoyment of the rights of children and adolescents in shelters and/or migrant homes through the design, implementation and dissemination of an Alternative Care Model for migrant children and adolescents based on their circumstances of stay and through a capacity building program for shelters and human rights defenders. AVSI also promotes national and international dialogues on the respect and protection of the rights of migrant minors.

Energy and environment

AVSI promotes training for teachers as protagonists in the educational process of new generations, aware of the value of environmental protection and the importance of combating climate change. AVSI also organizes training on the importance of the environment, climate change and renewable energies for children and youth.

Human rights

AVSI promotes the adaptation, operation and systematization of the APAC methodology in a social reinsertion center for minors in the State of Mexico and the socialization of the pilot action involving the three levels of government to lay the foundations for its replicability. APACs manage detention centers with a particular methodology, which empowers inmates and renounces the use of weapons and guards.

Community Management of Water and Sanitation

AVSI promotes the formation of regional alliances and networks through the exchange of best practices to strengthen the capacities of community water and sanitation service organizations as active actors in the definition and implementation of local public water management policies and programs.

Citizen participation

AVSI works for social cohesion in Mexico, strengthening the capacities of Civil Society Organizations; it promotes citizen participation in local development policies, inclusive governance, the creation of spaces for dialogue, networks and communication channels between different actors.

Socio-educational and nutrition

With the contribution of the Distance Support (SAD), AVSI cooperates with partners Crecemos DIJO A.C. in Oaxaca, the Youth Solidarity Center in Campeche and AVSI Mexico A.C. in the implementation of programs of nutritional education for minors, personal development, school accompaniment, hygiene and sports together with families and communities.

International Adoptions

AVSI is accredited in Mexico to perform international adoptions.

AVSI Latin America Network

AVSI in Mexico is part of the AVSI Latin America Network, which with its partners and affiliates operates in Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Chile. The Network cooperates with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, working from a historical territorial experience and recognitions of more than 30 years in the region.

AVSI in México, follow the updates on our social medias