Our impact
Our results
In 2023, there was a very positive trend in the results achieved throughout the year, both during implementation and upon project completion.
Il contributo dei progetti di AVSI agli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile dell’Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite
Numero di progetti
- Sconfiggere la povertà 168
- Sconfiggere la fame 146
- Salute e benessere 149
- Istruzione di qualità 168
- Parità di genere 210
- Acqua pulita e servizi igienico sanitari 60
- Energia pulita e accessibile 62
- Lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica 134
- Imprese, innovazione e infrastrutture 27
- Ridurre le disuguaglianze 195
- Città e consumi sostenibili 51
- Consumo e produzione responsabili 64
- Lotta contro il cambiamento climatico 179
- Vita sott'acqua 3
- Vita sulla terra 38
- Pace, giustizia e istituzioni solide 62
- Partnership per gli obiettivi 308
Projects concluded in 2023
- 68% of expected results achieved or exceeded
- 29% of expected results almost totally achieved
- 3% of expected results partially achieved
Some examples
Some examples
- People who participated in education, awareness, or nutritional recovery activities 580.889
- People who participated in training activities for teachers, educators, social workers 33.949
- Adults who participated in accelerated education/continuing education/literacy activities 20.790
- People who participated in energy improvement activities, efficient cooking systems, promotion of the productive use of renewable energy 561.106
- People who participated in agricultural production improvement activities, urban gardens, smart agriculture, reforestation 72.741
- People who participated in food security activities, livelihood programs, emergency economic activities 286.179
- People who received medical care (for physical and mental health) and psychosocial support 6.110.943
- People who participated in health prevention and education activities 2.331.062
- People supported with access to water, sanitation services, and waste management 428.688
- People who have participated in savings groups, microcredit programs, and financial literacy training 55.197
- People involved in cash-based assistance activities (conditional, unconditional, voucher, cash for work, etc.) 353.005
- People who have increased their awareness and self-esteem 1.360.805
- People who have improved their level of social inclusion or engagement in social and/or public life 41.487
- People working as officials in public institutions (ministries, districts, municipalities, etc.) who have been trained/sensitized 6.150
- People working in local civil society organizations who have been trained or sensitized 8.339