AVSI organizzazione trasparente dati pubblici


Our goal is to account for how we achieve our vision and mission, which are real commitments, not mere statements.

Where our contributions come from

117,274,299 € *net of extraordinary items

  • Public 76%

    • 10,518,662 € Italian Government
    • 13,988,922 € European Union
    • 27,476,390 € International bodies
    • 18,641,108 € U.S. Government agencies
    • 5,082,353 € Development banks
    • 12,512,820 € Other bilateral agencies
    • 1,245,850 € Local agencies
  • Private 24%

    • 746,603 € Italian Bishops’ Conference
    • 10,291,277 € Foundations
    • 4,541,678 € Private donors
    • 6,770,152 € Private donors to Distance support program
    • 5,458,484 € Secondary and instrumental activities

How AVSI uses your euro

More than 90% of funds raised is used to implement projects

Financial statements audited by EY S.p.A AVSI Foundation’s project design is in line with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 international standard

  • 91.75 cents are used on projects
  • 6.69 cents are used to cover operating costs
  • 1.29 cents are used to raise funds for projects
  • 0.27 cents are used for activities in support of development projects

Private and public fundraising performance

  • Public
  • Private


91,357,838 € net of extraordinary items
  • 74,869,339 €
  • 16,488,498 €


102.890.879 € net of extraordinary items
  • 82,706,525 €
  • 20,184,354 €


117,274,299 € net of extraordinary items
  • 89,466,105 €
  • 27,808,194 €

Budget per country

  • Uganda 20,724,978
  • Haiti 15,559,062
  • Mozambique 9,914,009
  • Lebanon 8,647,091
  • Iraq 8,389,582
  • D.R. Congo 6,517,130
  • South Sudan 5,628,428
  • Côte d'Ivoire 4,934,372
  • Myanmar 4,803,898
  • Ecuador 4,631,768
  • Burundi 3,828,610
  • Brazil 3,279,620
  • Syria 3,164,771
  • Ukraine 3,064,885
  • Italy 2,865,120
  • Kenya 2,852,436
  • Jordan 2,471,262
  • Mexico 944,113
  • Poland 757,841
  • Republic of the Congo 728,267
  • Rwanda 545,564
  • Tunisia 494,851
  • Sierra Leone 439,797
  • Lybia 347,347
  • Perù 333,099
  • Palestine 322,558
  • Albania 170,104
  • Nigeria 167,227
  • Dominican Republic 134,219
  • Russia 108,314
  • Venezuela 105,117
  • Argentina 98,364
  • Kazakhstan 53,723
  • Cameroon 51,611
  • Kosovo 47,757
  • Romania 31,265
  • Colombia 20,256
  • Paraguay 8,114
  • India 354
  • Others 87,415