Country Nigeria
Distance support
135,261 €
Direct beneficiaries
Indirect beneficiaries

    In this country our founding member The Seed is active

    Health centersAVSI has built and opened two health centers in Nigeria, one for primary care in the Lekki area and one in the region of Idi-Araba. Over the years, AVSI has focused on training personnel employed by various public centers in Lagos state.

    For the younger generationsAVSI has carried out important work in support of educational development of people in poverty, particularly from the Egun population, an ethnic minority native to Benin that lives in peripheral areas of Lagos in conditions of great poverty and marginalization. In 2002, AVSI, in collaboration with The Seed Trustee and thanks to a European Union project, has built an educational center in the Ikate Waterside area that is able to bring together all scholastic and educational activities in a more spacious building and in a more appropriate environment. It includes the St. Peter and St. Paul's Primary School, St. John's Secondary School, and a multipurpose center offering health and social services..