Lebanon emergency. Hope4Lebanon

60 staff members and dozens of volunteers have already assisted 16000 people in 156 shelters with water, food, mattresses, psychosocial support for children  

Emergency in Lebanon
  • 80% Raised
  • €500.000 Goal

The humanitarian situation in Lebanon is catastrophic, with 1.3 million displaced people. More and more families are in need of assistance and basic necessities such as mattresses, blankets, hygiene kits, water.

AVSI is working to respond to the emergency in Lebanon

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What we will do with your donation

Distribution of first aid items

such as water, medical equipment, hygiene kits, and mattresses through three Social Development Centers of the Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs
sostegno a famiglie libanesi

Financial support

for vulnerable displaced families who have lost their jobs.
psychosocial activities in Lebanon

Psycho-social activities

through a hotline, the creation of listening groups and art therapy sessions for children in safe spaces.

What it is happening in Lebanon

Since the end of September 2024, the conflict in Lebanon has escalated, particularly in the south in the Bekaa Valley and the southern suburbs of Beirut. Displaced people from the south have poured into the capital and thousands of families are in need of immediate assistance.

The conflict continues to intensify and expand geographically, attacks are also taking place in “so-called safe” areas further north. In Beirut the bombings continue, buildings are razed to the ground in an instant. But inside those buildings there are people, many innocent people.

There are over 1.3 million displaced people, but there are fears that this number will grow further.

There are over 800 shelters set up to accommodate those who no longer have a home, but they are not enough to accommodate everyone.

Many families remain in the hardest-hit areas along the southern border. They are now isolated, with limited services and financial resources.

Hospitals and health centers are struggling to cope with the continuous influx of patients and are unable to provide essential services to the population.

Schools are closed across the country: tens of thousands of children have been suffering from continuous interruptions in their education for five years now.

AVSI response to Lebanon emergency

Since the start of the campaign, AVSI has already guaranteed primary assistance to more than 16 thousand people in 5 governorates, reaching 152 shelters.

What we've already done (data as October 31)

  • Psyco-social support
    • 834 people supported through hotline services and referrals
    • 220 awareness sessions implemented
  • Education
    • 519 childend involved with recreational activities
    • 84 children with disabilities reached and provided with specialized assessment
  • Distribution of non food items
    • 1754 blankets and 416 mattresses
    • 71 clothing pieces
    • 8 gas tanks
  • Distribution of food
    • 1041 food kits
    • 796 ready-to-eat-meals
    • 100 hot meals
  • Distribution of Water and hygiene kits
    • 93120 bottled water and 3019 mq of water trucking distributed
    • 1891 hygiene kits
    • 490 newborn kits
    • 1107 dignity kits
Donate now for Lebanon

Support the families affected by the conflict

Donate immediate aid: Water, food, mattresses, psychosocial support for children
  • 50€   Istantaneo
  • 70€   Istantaneo
  • 100€   Istantaneo