AVSI in Côte d'Ivoire
  • Abidjan HQ Office
    Cocody-II Plateaux Aghien
    Galerie Santa Maria
    Phone: (+225) 2722429950
  • Bouaké Office
    Région de Gbeke
    Quartier Air France 3
    Phone: (+225)0789361478  
  • Daloa Office
    Quartier Kirmann
    Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
    Tel: (+225) 2721785040  
  • Yamoussoukro Office
    Quartier Habitat, Carrefour 44
    Phone: (+225) 0708333314    
  • Guiglò Office JOEL
    Région de Cavally,
    Quartier Camps Douane,
    Phone: (+225) 0767669220    
  • Touba Office
    Région de Bafing
    Groupe Scolaire Nadiani
    Phone: (+225)0767669220    
  • Bondoukou Office
    Région de Gontougo
    Phone: (+225) 0767685812    
  • Tanda Office
    Région de Gontougo
    Phone: (+225) 0767685812    
  • Bouna Office
    Région de Bounkani
    Phone: (+225) 0767249646
  • Korhogo Office
    Région de Poro,
    Quartier Résidentiel
    Phone: (+225) 0778829287
  • Ferkéssedougou Office
    Région de Tchologo
    Quartier Résidentiel
    Phone: (+225) 0778829287
  • Boundiali Office
    Région de Bougué
    Phone: (+225) 0777922558

AVSI has been working in Côte d'Ivoire since 2008, collaborating with local institutions and public and private partners. AVSI aims to help vulnerable communities by focusing on areas such as child protection, preventing irregular migration, vocational training and job creation , human rights protection, food security, and environmental protection; and considers education the pillar on which to base every development intervention.

Interventions in 700 schools to promote quality education

In Côte d'Ivoire, AVSI has promoted integrated interventions in 700 schools in 11 regions of the country. In addition to interventions on structures (rehabilitation of schools), AVSI always combines training of teachers and involvement of pupils' families and the local community because it believes that education is a path of accompaniment that involves all aspects of a child's life.

The main activities implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Education include training and retraining courses for teachers, the supply of teaching materials, the delivery of over 3,000 mobile libraries for a total of 180,000 textbooks, the organization of remedial classes for children in difficulty, the renovation of school buildings, classrooms, toilets, and drinking water supply points, and participation in the World Food Programme to provide school canteens for 125,000 pupils in rural areas in the North of the country.

Job opportunities to counter irregular migration

In Côte d'Ivoire, despite significant economic growth, young people are struggling to find employment, with only 20% managing to secure jobs after completing their studies. This situation has resulted in a rise of irregular migration, which is why it is crucial to intervene and address the issue of youth unemployment. Vocational training courses are a highly effective solution to empower beneficiaries with valuable skills and boost their chances of securing a job. By participating in these courses, young people can access funding to set up income-generating activities such as small trades, handicrafts, or other ventures. For those who already own a business, access to micro-credit facilities becomes much easier. These interventions not only promote self-employment but also play a significant role in preventing irregular migration by providing young Ivorians with the opportunity to work in their own country.

With communities to prevent social conflicts

AVSI is involved in numerous projects that aim to promote social cohesion, democracy, and peace. These three areas are closely related, as they all work towards preventing conflicts. To achieve these goals, AVSI collaborates with citizens, community leaders, justice officials, and municipal representatives to engage the different actors in dialogue and build mutual trust.

Promotion of clean cooking for environmental protection

AVSI Ivory Coast woks for environmental protection and clean cooking through awareness campaigns and promoting improved cookstoves (for clean cooking).

AVSI also focuses on providing access to drinking water, preventive health, and hygiene. This includes working in schools to ensure that students have access to adequate toilets, hand washing kits, and drinking water.

"Working with" AVSI's multistakeholder approach in Côte d'Ivoire

AVSI began its work in Côte d'Ivoire in response to a specific request from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), The United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), and the Ivorian government. The request was to implement projects aimed at helping orphans and vulnerable children. Since then, AVSI has implemented various projects in close partnership with Ivorian communities and institutions.

AVSI prioritizes the strengthening of the national system and collaborates with various technical ministries such as the Ministry of Women, Childhood and Family, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training, the National Social Cohesion Programme, and the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Forests.

AVSI created a monitoring and evaluation plan based on studies and research conducted with universities and local partners to facilitate evidence-based decision-making.

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