- ACDI, AVSI's Founding Member
Contributing to a distributive justice. The Founding Member ACDI is committed in the creation of employment in the productive sector, promoting entrepreneurship and local economies that favor a productive diversification, business creativity, associationism and the creation of new models of inclusive market, geared to a better income distribution, job creation and access to common goods.
In rural areas, ACDI works to favor and organize agri-food chains, incorporating new instruments and developing capacities that enable small rural producers to make qualitative and quantitative progress in productivity and in the access to better market prices.
Care of the common house. Various projects implemented by ACDI are focus on the adaptation to climate change, on environmental restoration and on the introduction to sustainable development practices, looking at the productive potential as mean to overcome poverty.
Supporting children. Education and full support to vulnerable children and youth continues to be a priority for ACDI. In urban and rural suburbs, actions to increase and broaden socio-educational services of grassroots civil society organizations are being made, providing methods, contents, planning and activities to support and motivate children in their access and use of education.