The AVSI Latin America Network is made up of 8 non-profit organizations, founding members of AVSI Foundation and its branches that, through different paths, respond to the needs of the most vulnerable people, creating experiences of successful development in the territory:
- AVSI Foundation – branches in Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Regional Office for the Caribbean
- CESAL – branches in El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Peru and Dominican Republic
- ACDI – Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay
- AVSI Brazil – Brazil
- CDM – Brazil
- CREN – Brazil
- Crecemos DIJO – Mexico
- Fundación Domus – Chile
- Fundación Sembrar - Ecuador
In 2018, 174 projects were implemented through an investment of over $ 28 million, with the contribution of more than 1,000 employees in 12 Latin American and Caribbean countries. This movement directly benefited more than 893,000 people in 9 thematic areas aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Human Rights
- Nutrition, Health and Wellness
- Education and Sports
- Water and Sanitation
- Energy
- Professional Qualification and Productive Activities
- Urban Development and Resilient and Sustainable Cities
- Climate Change
- Strengthening Civil Society and Partnership in the Public and Private Spheres
This extensive thematic reach highlights the efforts of each AVSI Network organization in Latin America and the Caribbean to contribute to people's development, guided by the principles of AVSI Foundation.
AVSI America Latina Network Contributions Report 2018-2019
To document the performace at regional level, AVSI America Latina Network launches a report about the performance: sectors, places of intervention, the history and relationship with AVSI Foundation, the results of the projects carried out in recent years, partners, key stakeholders and donors who trust resources to the Network to develop the initiatives.