AVSI in Myanmar
- Yangon HQ Office
- Taunggyi Office Bayin Naung Road, L/194
Shan State - Bhamo Office KK-204, Minkyaung Kone Quarter,
Pinsin Kone Road, Kachin State
AVSI has been implementing relief and development programs in Myanmar since 2007. As of today, AVSI carries out recovery and community-driven development projects in conflict-affected areas focusing on Education, Protection, Food security and Livelihood, Women’s protection and empowerment, Nutrition, WASH (water sanitation and hygiene) and disaster risk reduction.
AVSI in Myanmar is working in collaboration with local partners to strengthen community-based mechanisms, as well as ensure ownership and program continuity. AVSI provides technical support to implementing partners in project design, implementation and monitoring.
Education in emergency
To promote quality education in conflict-affected areas AVSI has:
- reconstructed or renovated learning spaces inside displacement camps;
- conducted emergency training addressed to volunteer teachers, in order to help children learn at home or in safe learning spaces in displacement camps;
- provided school kits, teacher kits, and textbooks for students and teachers, psychosocial support to children, caregivers, and teachers;
- been supporting socio-educational projects to reduce drop-out rates.
In spite of the difficult situation in the country, the distance support program continues to accompany the children, including displaced ones. When the staff can't meet the child in person, connection is constantly ensured by phone.
Mine-risk education (MRE)
To reduce the risk of injuries caused by mines, AVSI raises awareness and promotes behavioral change through educational activities, public-information campaigns, education and training, in liaison with the local communities.
Mine-risk education ensures that people know what risks mines, UXO (unexploded ordnances) and/or abandoned munitions pose. They are encouraged to behave in ways that can help them protect themselves, their property and the environment.
Technical support to local partners in protection cases
AVSI supports local partners in protection projects. We provide technical advice, training and constant monitoring, using a "Training of Trainers" model. We help planning awareness campaigns, identify and manage cases, also by providing cash assistance for the most vulnerable ones.
Protection and empowerment of women
AVSI supports the healing process and confidence-building of survivors of gender-based violence through complementary-funded gender-based violence response and psychosocial support services. AVSI promotes women’s leadership in Village Development Committees and other community meetings, to foster the participation of women and girls in the life of their community.
Health & nutrition

To prevent malnutrition, AVSI uses the Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) approach and works above all with mothers. Women attend nutrition classes, can participate in cooking demonstrations and are supported in breastfeeding. For the most vulerable mothers, AVSI also uses the Maternal and Child Cash Transfer (MCCT).
Food security and livelihood
AVSI supports homestead gardening, Farmer Field Schools (FFSs), the establishment of seed banks and the introduction of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA). AVSI aim is to increase widespread awareness of climate change effects on agriculture and to promote value-added production and income generation activities.
For the most vulnerable people, AVSI provides cash transfer following the World Food Programme’s food aid guidelines.

Water sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
AVSI builds and rehabilitates wells and village water ponds. We also provide WASH training to the population and technical capacity building on WASH to local partners, organize hygiene promotion sessions - including menstrual hygiene management (MHM) - and distribute hygiene and dignity kits.
Disaster risk reduction
AVSI provides disaster risk management and mitigation training. We conduct Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) simulations at township level, in collaboration with the Myanmar department of disaster management.