AVSI in Burundi
  • Bujumbura HQ Office
    Mukaza municipality, Rohero 1 area, Junction avenue n°45/j PO Box 3307 Tel: + 257 22 25 25 79/22 25 69 39
  • MEO Center - Field Office
    6th Avenue n°79, Cibitoke 3307
    Ntahangwa Municipality
    Tel: + 257 22279341
  • Kayanza - Field Office
    Quartier Mukoro
    Tel: + 257 22305028
  • Kirundo - Field Office
    Kinyinya Hill
    Nyange Kanyinya District

AVSI is in Burundi since 2001. We work in the poorest districts of Bujumbura and in the provinces of Kayanza, Ngozi and Kirundo. The main sectors of AVSI interventions are education, energy for development, technical training for young people, community savings and credit system, entrepreneurship, nutrition, food security, adult alphabetization, Gender Based Violence.

Actually, we have 9 projects ongoing. In Burundi, the objective pursued by AVSI is to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable Burundian families through multi-sectoral and integrated projects, which promote a holistic approach. The Strategy to achieve this objective is the strengthening of the family in the community and its participation in empowerment.


Education is one of the important sectors of AVSI's work in Burundi. AVSI started working in Burundi via The Distant Support Program (DSP) which target children and their families from vulnerable areas of Bujumbura City and in the provinces of Kayanza and Ngozi.Thanks to private funds, the DSP started the MEO Center, which is a landmark in the capital Bujumbura for the support of the youth coming from the poorest neighborhoods.

Resilience improvement of vulnerable populations.

In Burundi, acute vulnerabilities persist. AVSI with Caritas Belgique and Veterinaires Sans Frontières have initiates a resilience projet (2018-2022) to tackle the problem, with the support of the European union. The project called Programme de Résilience Communautaire dans le BUYENZI (PRARECOM)»/TUBEHONEZA is located in Ngozi and Kayanza provinces, in the north of Burundi. Food security and nutrition are in the core of its interventions. AVSI focused the interventions on areas related to nutrition, alphabetization, gender and conflict peace resolution. The AVSI interventions through the project directly benefit to 40,338 people.

Access to renewable energy - Clean cooking.

Less thant 10% of burundians have access to electricity in the country and this drops to only 2% in rural areas. Since december 2020, AVSI and NCA (Norwegian Church Aid) have started to work on the energy sector through a 3 year project called Contribution à la résilience intégrée des communautés rurales à travers l’accès à l’énergie. This project, funded by the European Union, worked in the provinces of Kayanza, Ngozi and Kirundo, in the north of Burundi. The project help to improve resilience of burundians living in rural areas through access to renewable energy. They gain access to energy through mini-grids or standalone solar systems and efficient cookstoves.

Since june 2021, AVSI has also taking over the EnDev Burundi project which was implemented by GIZ. This project is  promoting improved cook stoves sustainable market in all the provinces of Burundi.

No more violence against women

To counter violence against women, AVSI  Burundi works towards prevention, awareness raising and assistance to victims. The project involved in this sector is « Lutte contre les violences faites envers les femmes et les enfants et protection de la population en milieu carcérale dans le contexte covid-19 ». This project (2020-2022) funded by the European union is implemented also by Terres des Hommes, a partner to AVSI. It offers lodging and subistence, psycho-social assistance and support with medical centers.

Support to refugees

The project called "Protection, Health and Livelihood for Refugees in Burundi" -Trust Fund - is funded by the European Union to address the Root Causes of Irregular Migration and Displaced People in Africa, which aims to support safety and well-being of displaced people and the host communities and reduce inequalities between these groups. This two year project (2020-2022) aims to support delivery on humanitarian development programming through collaboration between UNHCR and a consortium of International NGOs: Terre des Hommes (TdH), International Rescue Committee (IRC), AVSI, Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) and GVC.

Technical training for young people

The objective of the project "Inkingi Z’amahoro Mw’Iterambere- Insertion socio-économique des jeunes pour la paix et le développement"  (2021-2023) is to strengthen the socio-economic integration of young people and promote social cohesion in the urban and peri-urban areas of Bujumbura City, Gitega and Kirundo provinces. It is funded by the European Union and implemented by AVSI as well as CONCERN and KIYO.

Latest projects

"Appui aux femmes entrepreneures dans les secteurs de l’agrobusiness (fruits; café) et de l’artisanat" (2022-2024), is related to women's entrepreneurship and funded by European Union

"Maison Parma, la valeur d'un territoire : soutenir le développement de la filière tomate pour un avenir durable au Burundi", a project funded by the Italian Development Cooperation Agency (AICS) and will last 36 months.

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