Sara (alias name), 4 years old, is the youngest member of a Syrian family living in South Lebanon.
She joined the “Back to the Future” program during the second phase (BTF 2), and she is now continuing in the third phase (BTF 3).
"Sara used to communicate her thoughts and needs only by using signs, and she would never interact with her classmates".
Says Sara’s teacher.
While attending the classes, Sara’s teacher and the inclusion officer from the “Back to the Future” project followed her case attentively.
By assigning simpler tasks to her, teaching her some easy keywords to express herself, and by asking her to help her classmates with their simple tasks, Sara was able to improve.

The teacher also highlights Sara’s mother's involvement and contribution to her progress.
"Sara’s mother follows up frequently on her daughter’s progress. She is always in touch with me, and makes sure she never misses her homework, and asks me for advice on how to improve her daughter’s communication and comprehension skills on a daily basis."
As a result, Sara has been showing significant progress in class.
"She uses some words to express her thoughts. She loves coloring, and she even applauds her classmates’ work and encourages them."
Explains Sara’s teacher.
Under BTF 3, Sara will continue to receive the support she needs so she can be able to pursue her education properly and overcome the challenges she might face.
"Back to the Future III" is part of the Haqqi Consortium (Save the Children Lebanon), funded by the European Union in Lebanon, through the EU Regional Trust Fund and implemented in partnership by AVSI Middle East , Terre des hommes Italy in Lebanon, and War Child Holland in Lebanon.