In May 2022, the Back to the Future project (BTF) has entered its third phase, that will continue to ensure access to quality education for vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugee children.
Now, the project has become part of the Haqqi Consortium funded by the European Union, through the EU Regional Trust Fund.
The activities carried out under BTF will contribute to the overall objective of the consortium, which is that of improving the learning outcomes and the well-being of vulnerable children and youth in an inclusive manner, targeting also children with special needs and supporting every child to reach their full potential.
The project will also address the significant gap in education for vulnerable children and incorporate child protection into education.
The goals of the project
- Vulnerable girls and boys will have increased access to safe and inclusive learning environments;
- out-of-school children and youth will be provided with quality non-formal education opportunities;
- improved transition and retention of children in an enhanced education system.
Where will the project be implemented?
The actions included in the third phase of Back to the Future will be carried out in nine community centres in Lebanon - either run by project partners or in collaboration with certified Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), which have been approved by MEHE-PMU, identified and supported by BTF.
More specifically, the interventions will be realized in the districts of Saida, West Bekaa, Arsal, Akkar, Aley, Metn, Baabda, Tripoli and also in the surrounding areas. The selected centres will be equipped and upgraded, in order to create a stimulating environment fostering the participation of the children's family, caregivers and community.
Who will the project target?
The project aims at fostering inclusion and reduce the gender gap in education, thus it will focus on targeting boys and girls belonging to the refugee Syrian community, along with other refugees and vulnerable Lebanese people.
5% of the children part of each target group will be children with disabilities, in order to ensure they will have the opportunity to be carefully followed and have their needs met.
Youth and adult beneficiaries - such as community volunteers, parents, and educators - will certainly be included as well, so that their participation and social capacities can be strengthened.
The activities will therefore include:
- 880 Out-of-School Children (OOSC) identified through outreaching;
- 800 out-of-school boys and girls targeted in NFE (Non-Formal Educaion) and protection services;
- 1220 in-school students targeted in retention program and recreational, awareness activities;
- 900 students (benefiting from upgrading WASH facilities within 2 public schools, with an average of 450 students per school);
- 67 educators engaged in Non-Formal Education;
- 808 caregivers of Non-Formal Education students.