AVSI at the EnDev Global Knowledge Exchange in Uganda

At the event in Kampala, AVSI shared insights and good practices related to its projects in Burundi and Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the dissemination of improved cook stoves has had great socioeconomic results and fostered Women empowerment.

AVSI has promoted sustainable, integral human development for over 50 years, engaging in and promoting innovative solutions such as CarbonFinance and CleanCooking.

In the last few days, AVSI has participated in Energising Development (EnDev)’s Global Knowledge Exchange meeting in Uganda, sharing insights and good practices related to its projects in Burundi and Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the dissemination of improved cook stoves has had great socioeconomic results and fostered Women empowerment.

Furthermore, AVSI has underlined its stance on carbon finance, reminding how it’s an invaluable, almost unique opportunity for billions of vulnerable people that still rely in firewood and charcoal for daily cooking to access a safer, faster, healthier and less expensive cooking solution.

Improved cook stoves fast penetration in Idjwi Island, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Poster presented by Giovanni De Franceschi, AVSI Democratic Republic of the Congo

Idjwi island is located on Lake Kivu (South Kivu Province). The island population, about 300,000 people, live in extreme poverty and primarily through subsistence economy. The average household income is about 68 USD per month (approx. 0.30 USD per person per day). When EnDev began its work here in 2018, there was no penetration of improved cook stoves (ICS). EnDev has provided technical support for local ICS production, conducted behavioural change and marketing campaigns, and ensured the sustainable dissemination of ICS across the island: since 2018 25,486 Improved cook stoves have been sold.

The successful penetration and diffusion of ICS on the island have led to a significant market expansion, reaching surrounding areas such as Goma, Bukavu, Kalehe, and parts of neighbouring Rwanda. The island is rapidly becoming the most critical supply hub for the adjacent cities.

Thanks to the high quality of raw materials, a stable and secure environment and the advanced manufacturing techniques developed by local technicians, Idjwi has the potential to become a center of competence transfer and training for new producers in the future.

Electrification projects are ongoing in the island, partnerships with minigrids are under prospection with the aim of making a step towards e-cooking. 

In Burundi, from waste collectors to Improved cook stoves sellers

Poster presented by Jean Bosco Nkunzimana, AVSI Burundi

The Union des femmes vendeuses des foyers améliorées is an association of vulnerable women who used to live by collecting waste in Buterere, the largest dump in the city of Bujumbura. Over 300 economically disadvantaged women and their children go to this site looking for something to eat and waste to sell. The women and their children are exposed to snake attacks, rape and diseases related to hygienic conditions. In 2023, EnDev organised campaigns to encourage the women to give up these practices and become ICS sellers.

So far, 120 women attended trainings and 74 of them become sellers and sold 1823 improved cook stoves. Increasing numbers of vulnerable women will attend awareness-raising sessions, will be trained in sales techniques and financial education and will be involved in ICS sale.

In addition, women will be supported in registering their children's birth so that they have access to health insurance cards, free health care (for children under 5 and pregnant women) and free education (for primary school).

Before, I used to spend all day collecting waste from the dump under very difficult conditions. Now I can sell four improved cook stoves in half a day and the rest of the time I can take care of my children. I hope the future will be brighter thanks to this activity.

Béatrice Nduwimana, member of the association.

Carbon finance: AVSI experience

On September 20, Alessandro Galimberti, AVSI focal point for Climate Change and Energy, presented the AVSI position on company’s offsetting practice, clean cooking and carbon finance and our strategic recommendations to enhance this process.

During his speech Galimberti highlighed the AVSI's acheivements on clean cooking since 2013:

  • 2,5M Direct beneficiaries
  • Over 5M people reached by awareness raising and behavioral  change initiatives
  • 415.373 Improved cook stoves sold/distributed
  • 560 Youths trained or employed (60% are women)
  • 578 Improved cook stoves Points of sales strengthened (1.144 workers were invoved)
  • 69 Improved cook stoves Local producers strengthened (1.008 workers)
  • 623M Kgs Firewood consumption saved
  • Over - 829.000 tCO2 - 60% indoor harmful emissions
  • 36M USD Savings for families in cooking fuel expenditures

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