In view of the upcoming European elections, from its experience on the ground, AVSI proposes a manifesto to draw the attention of candidates for the European Parliament to some crucial issues and recommendations in the field of development cooperation.
A short text built on a certainty: if we intend to grow and develop, we cannot do it alone, but only together.
Building on its 50-year history in the field of development cooperation AVSI brings to the attention of the upcoming European candidates 8 crucial issues for the future of Europe and beyond and asks questions about how these issues will be supported.
First key chapter is Development and People, followed by Education, Development Cooperation and Civil Society, Migration and the Mediterranean, Global Gateway and the Mattei Plan, Environment and Climate Change, Humanitarian Aid and nexus, and ending with Decentralization/Localization.
“The future we want and work for,” notes Giampaolo Silvestri, secretary general of AVSI, “is one in which the new continuous discoveries and advances in education, health, technology, and environmental protection are accessible to all, serving the growth of all, from the individual person to his or her family and community to expand to the entire world. The demographic evolution of Europe and Africa and migration are just two among many factors that indicate that we are all facing the same challenge of integral and sustainable development. The North no longer exists separate from the South. Either we all grow or no one does.”
Read the full document: