November 25, 2022 | Brussels, European Commission InfoPoint or Live on Webex
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the European Commission (DG INTPA) organized a conference to highlight the leading role of civil society in fighting violence against women and to reiterate the European Union's commitment to this issue. The EU supports organizations working to eliminate gender-based violence in all its forms, especially harmful practices such as female genital mutilation.
As the global theme for 2022 is activism, the European Union asks AVSI to present its approach through an EU-supported project in Ivory Coast for inclusive social development through the fight against female genital mutilation (FGM) in Kabadougou, Folon, Cavally, Guémon, Tonkpi and Bafing areas.
The speakers
- Marlene Holzner, Head of Unit, Local Authorities, Civil Society Organisations and Foundations (INTPA.G.2)
- Francesca Di Mauro, Ambassador, EU Delegation in Ivory Coast
- Cyrille Komguep, AVSI Manager of the project “Projet d’appui au développement social inclusif par la lutte contre les mutilations génitales féminines (MGF)”, Head of studies and research
- Sibiri Coulibaly, Executive Director of DJIGUI Foundation, Ivory Coast
- Gloria Lorenzoni, AVSI EU affairs
- Chiara Adamo, Acting Director, Gender Equality, Human Rights and Democratic Governance (INTPA.G.1)
(Caption of the photo, from left: Patricia Pennettier, Louis Leimgruber, Gloria Lorenzoni, Marlene Holzner and Chiara Adamo)