The value of education for Gladis, Rosa e Cirafenia
Gladis is 52 years old, she lives with her daughter’s family and has two jobs: every morning she helps her sister preparing and sell tacos and then gathers oysters.
Since the childhood, she dreamed of learning to read and write in order to become a nurse and thus help the others.
Thanks to the literacy workshops organised by the PROEDU project, in collaboration with the Instituto Nacional para la Educación de los Adulto, she now sees her dream come closer.
“I think education is fundamental even at my age. It gives values and a goal to anyone.
Every day I tell my niece to go on with her studies because whatever happens in life, no one will be able to take it away from her.”
Tells Gladis
Cirafenia López, on the other hand, wants to study to “go as far as possible,” and now that she lives alone she feels free to close her store and go to class. Her nephew is rooting for her.
Rosa has always worked in her life, but now she desires to learn to read in order to understand the books received in church. She also sees education as a useful tool for learning to respect oneself as well.

The literacy workshops and the PROEDU project
The workshops are held from Monday to Friday and are addressed to mothers and fathers living in the community of Sánchez Magallanes, in Cárdenas, Tabasco.
The courses aim to strengthen the beneficiaries' reading and writing skills, so that they are also able to accompany their children in their education. Mothers are those who participate with the most interest and enthusiasm.
The PROEDU project is promoted with funding shared with the Italian company Eni México S. de R.L. de C.V in collaboration with VSI México A.C., and aims to promote and raise awareness of the importance of education even in adulthood in school zone 46, in Cárdenas, Tabasco.