Addressing multi-sectoral needs in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince (MAPP)

AVSI in partnership with CESVI and GOAL is implementing an USAID-funded project that provides a multi-sectoral approach to multiple emergencies in Haiti, improving hygiene and sanitation services, while providing food, nutrition , protection and psychological support

HAITI - APRIL 2023 - MARCH 2024


AVSI, in partnership with CESVI and the lead partner GOAL , is implementing a multi-sectoral emergency response in targeted areas of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, including neighborhoods in the communes of Carrefour, Delmas, and Port-au-Prince (Martissant, La Saline, Wharf Jeremie). Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, the overall goal is to reduce morbidity and mortality in affected communities.  


First purpose  is to contain cholera morbidity and mortality in affected communities through early suspected case identification and by interrupting transmission within communities via improved access to safe drinking water and hygiene and sanitation services.      

Second purpose to ensure populations can address their basic food and nutrition needs.   

Third purpose is to ensure rapid access to appropriate, quality, gender-, age- and disability-sensitive protection services. 


After three years with no reported cholera cases, the Haitian national authorities confirmed two cases in the greater Port-au-Prince area in October 2022. More than 20,000 suspected cholera cases had been reported nationwide as of January 3, 2023, and 79% of patients had been admitted to hospitals according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Rapid price inflation, political instability, extreme gang violence, and the reappearance of cholera have driven Haiti to unprecedented levels of acute food insecurity. According to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification analysis, the number of Haitian people facing acute food security in the third phase is estimated at a record 4.9 million in the March-June 2023 period and 1.8 million of the total are estimated to be in a state of emergency in IPC Phase four

Furthermore, the complex security situation in Haiti has contributed to various protection needs, particularly among internally displaced people, survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, and migrants according to Global Humanitarian Overview in 2022. Although often under-reported for fear of reprisals and stigmatization, cases of Sexual and gender-based violence are widespread. Gangs use sexual and gender-based violence as a weapon of war to control the population.  


AVSI will reach a total of 6,365 direct beneficiaries, and the consortium overall will reach a total of 53,970 direct beneficiaries over the next 12 months.  


To respond to these significant challenges, AVSI partnered with GOAL and CESVI to cover three main sectors: Wash, Food Assistance, and Protection.  

To address the significant surge in cholera cases, GOAL will implement a set of interventions to address water sources and quality. AVSI will lead a cash-for-work activity that will have the dual goal of assisting participants to earn an income to meet their basic needs and those of their families, while also diminishing, to the extent possible, the cholera transmission chains.  

To address the drastic food insecurity, the program will provide unconditional food assistance via food vouchers to approximately 5,200 targeted households with IPC-AFI scores of 3+ in the targeted areas.  

Amidst the increasing security concerns and prevalence of gang violence, AVSI will provide individual and group psychosocial assistance and other means of direct support to survivors of violence. AVSI will target 6,365 direct beneficiaries and train 2,000 persons in psychosocial support concepts and practices.