Rabih and Maysa are brother and sister. Their father passed away in Syria when they were young. By losing one of the family pillars, their mother was worried that Maysa and Rabih would be deprived of many opportunities, including a chance to get an education.
The siblings used to attend primary classes in Syria, but showed limited motivation. According to their mother, the children felt insecure, especially Rabih who often used to run away from school to be next to his mother after losing his father.
Rabih is now 14, and he aspires to become a chef in the future. Maysa is 12, and she dreams of becoming a school principal.
In 2014, the family reallocated to Lebanon, and due to difficult circumstances, the children faced many challenges that stopped them to attend school for several years.
Since April 2021, the “Back to the Future” project is giving a chance to Maysa and Rabih to return back on the track of education as they are now attending Basic Literacy and Numeracy classes in Arsal.

Following social distancing guidelines, the children are receiving their lessons using their mother’s mobile phone with a special internet bundle provided by the project.
Within a few months, the siblings started recognizing and reading all letters. Their pronunciation and writing skills also improved. They have shown a desire to learn and often express their happiness in taking part in the program. According to their teacher, both children are showing a lot of progress and visible increase in their level of motivation. They are now enthusiastic students who participate in the classes and submit their lessons without any delay.
Their mother expressed her pride in how her children are progressing by saying “When a father dies, the mother fears that her children will fall weak and get deprived of their rights, but I am so happy and proud to see Maysa and Rabih strong, motivated, and willingly seek to follow their lessons.”
About Back to the Future
Back to the Future is funded by the European Union, through the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the EU Madad Fund, and implemented in partnership with AVSI, Terre des Hommes Italy in Lebanon, and War Child Holland in Lebanon.