Miscellaneous from AVSI world
- Kenya > Our colleague A.Masuri interviewed fot the #WorkersDay about aid workers and other jobs in the country on Radio Popolare.it
- Congo Brazzaville > Great Media Coverage for a new project with the local #OSC funded by #EU to stop violence against women on Les Dépêches de Brazzaville - Journal de Brazza - Adiac-Congo - Dailyadvent - Congo media time - Télé Congo - MCRTV
- Ivory Coast > an interview with F.H. Ekra, an ivorian scholar , by ML.Conte about a new perception of Africa post-COVID on Affari Internazionali.it
- Ecuador > a Venezuelan mother’s challenges, dreams and hope. The new life of Marvelis thanks to Integrados a project in Ecuador funded by PRM on Vita.it
- Lebanon > winner with AVSI: the photographer A.Signori is among the winners of Kolga Tbilisi Photo, the most prestigious photo contest in Georgia, thanks to SOSPESI, a project realized with us in Lebanon about Syrian refugees
- Dominican Republic > AVSI signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement with the DGDF (Direccion General de Desarrollo Fronterizo) to establish social and environmental development in the municipalities of the border area.A new challenge in Dominican Republic! Our colleagues F.Cappellini and M. Di Francesco on CDN - Panoramaurbanord.com - Elcaribe.com.do - Newstral.com - Telesistema11.com.do
- Uganda > Government re-imposes lockdown to beat back COVID-19 case surge on Corriere.it
- Kenya and Somalia > an interview with our A. Bianchessi about AVSI work between Kenya and Somalia on Ilsole24ore
- Italy > our new Annual Report on Agensir.it
AVSI opinions and proposals
- Giampaolo Silvestri, AVSI Secretary General, remarks our proposal about the new balance between civil society and the State on Corriere della Sera - Repubblica
Our projects
- in Burundi with the municipality of Parma funded by AICS about sustainable development on Parmadaily.it - Gazzettadiparma.it - comune.parma.it - emiliaromagnanews24.it - Parmareport.it - Parmatoday.it - Unipr.it
- in Ivory Coast, our new project “Dignité” about migration on RTI Officiel (min. 12:40)
- in Cameroon, our first project funded by AICS to support food security within a population exhausted by hunger, a silent internal conflict and by Boko Haram terrorism on Corrieredellasera.it
- in Brazil about our project Welcomed Through Work, funded by PRM and Operação Acolhida to integrate Venezuelan refugees through employment and socio-economic support on L'Osservatore Romano (Vatican newspaper) - EU Echo blog; and about our project with UNICEF to promote safe return to schools after the pandemic on Dire.it - Vatican News - Redattore Sociale.it - ForumItalia.info - CittàdiNapoli.com
- in Iraq about our project to help the Yazidi Women in the Esyan camp thanks to Italian cooperation funds on Corriere della Sera (LaLettura) - Corriere.it - RSI (Swiss television)
- in Uganda, Kenya and Burundi about three projects on circular economy on Agensir.it
- in Uganda about our project “Building Resilience in Crisis through Education on Sunday Vision (Uganda's Daily Newspaper)
- in Italy with Caritas Diocesana Vicentina for the job placement of young migrants in italian’s farms on Agensir - Vicenzareport.it - Il Giornale di Vicenza and about our work close to the most vulnerable families in Milan thanks to Citigoup (an American multinational investment bank and financial services corporation) on Vita.it
- in Somalia about our project with AICS to help families living in north of Kismayo with agricultural support and equipment on Radio Ergo (Somali Radio)
- in Palestine about our project SINERGY funded by the Regione Emilia Romagna and Comune di Forlì on Alive.it and about our work in the country after pandemic on Agensir.it
- in Syria, our colleague F.Agostino about the project “The Integrated educational support to vulnerable children in East Ghouta”, funded by SHF and supported by SARC on Agensir.it
- in DR of the Congo about our project funded by Lombardy Region, to build 3 schools to help 10,500 people after the volcano eruption on Corriere della Sera
- in Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast and Ghana about “Home”, our first project, funded by Commissione per le Adozioni Internazionali (Italian Commission for international adoptions) about child protection on Agensir.it
Daily response to crises and emergencies
- DR of the Congo (Nyiragongo volcano eruption) on Radio24 Part 1 and Part 2 (N. Carcano, Regional Manager) - Radio 24 (min. 9:39) - Radio Popolare (min. 15:01) - Agensir.it - Redattoresociale.it - RadioinBlu.it - Libero.it - SkyTg24 - Repubblica.it - Msn.com - Vita.it - ElPais.com and you can read many other press releases in this news
- Haiti (Socio-economic crisis, Assassination of the president, Hearthquake) on Adnkronos.com - Tvnew.it - Sbircialanotizia.it - Lifestyleblog.it - Lavocedellisola.it - Yahoo.com - Geosnews.com - Gamegurus.it - 247.libero.it - 5media.it - IlSussidiario.net - Le Monde.fr (French international newspaper) - Tg3Mondo (Rai3) - Le Monde - Vaticannews.va and you can read many other press releases in this news
Voices from the countries
- Uganda > C. Vegezzi on Radio Popolare.it (min. 2:30) - Radio In Blu
- Palestine > V. Clementelli on Radio Popolare.it (min. 4:55) - RadioinBlu.it (min. 13:52) - TgAlis.it (min. 1:23) - Radio Popolare.it (min. 40:45) - La7.it and about Jerusalem on Radio24 (min. 24:30) - Radio Popolare.it (min. 44:46)
- Lebanon (M. Molino Lova) and Jordan (N. Orsini) > the crisis in the Middle East on Tv2000
- Mozambique > the conflict in Cabo Delgado after the jihadist attacks and our work in the field to support the internally displaced people on Cruxnow.com - Ncronline.org - Ucanews.com - Corriere della Sera
- Kenya > A. Masuri on Radio Popolare.it (min. 2:40)
- Lebanon > M. Molino Lova on Radio Popolare.it (min. 50:00) - Rai Radio3 Mondo (min. 13:13); M. E. Latini on Radio Popolare.it (min. 13:22)
- Tunisia > E. Gobbi Frattini on the Italian press agency ANSA.it (news reposted by 15 local newspapers) - Corriere della Sera - Radio Popolare.it (min. 1:31:43)