On December 1st, AVSI organized an event in Nairobi to celebrate its 50th anniversary. This occasion was the perfect time to share all the goals achieved and challenges overcame in Kenya, where AVSI has been present since 1986.
The event took place at Little Prince school in Kibera and it was attended nearly by 300 people among which AVSI Kenya's staff, the representatives of several local institutions and partners, as well as international organization we collaborate with. There were, among others, the Italian Ambassador to Kenya Roberto Natali, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) Director in Kenya - Giovanni Grandi, Maurizio Bragagni, Chairman of Esharelife Foundation, among other dignitaries from PRM and UNHCR.
During the event, children from school built and supported by AVSI performed local dances and songs. Irene Kasandi and Lamas Wabwire Maiyah took the floor to tell their path from children supported at distance to protagonists of their life and of the development of their community
There is much work to do together. Global and local challenges are still there and other stronger impacts on our partner countries, instability, climate change and gender based violence. People require a strong development cooperation that leaves on one behind. In this challenge, AVSI is an excellent partner of Kenya
Roberto Natali - Italian Ambassador to Kenya
As Giampaolo Silvestri, AVSI Secretary General stated, we want this 50th anniversary to be an opportunity to enhance the specific contribution we can offer to cooperation for development in the next fifty years, so that - paradoxically - one day we will no longer be needed. Today it’ the occasion to remind ourselves of the milestones achieved during these years. Beyond development, a future for change, to accompany, to share, to listen, and create sustainability.
Romana Koech – AVSI Kenya Country Representative
AVSI and Esharelife have identical roots in Education. Education is everything and that is why we say thank you to AVSI for giving us the chance to support many children and their families in Kenya. As Esharelife we will carry on with our duty of supporting needy children in education in Africa.
Maurizio Bragagni, Chairman of Esharelife Foundation
AVSI in Kenya
AVSI has reached more than 500,000 direct and 1.5 million indirect beneficiaries since 1986 when it registered as an NGO in Kenya. We are now present in 31 Counties of Kenya with 103 permanent staff, 50 partners, and 766 short-term staff. AVSI is present in Dadaab since 2009 with interventions reaching the refugee and host community in the area of education and livelihood.
The intervention areas are Agriculture and Food Security, Child Protection, Education, Energy, Health, Livelihood, Economic Strengthening, Wash, Vocational Training & Job Creation. The experience gained in these years represents the heritage of the knowledge that results from the outcomes of many projects of human development. AVSI uses an integrated, multi-sectorial approach based on the understanding of the needs of the people, analysis of local resources, and potential partnerships to propose sustainable interventions.
Each project AVSI implements observes human rights, to secure respect and spread the awareness that these rights are fundamental, universal, and inviolable for everybody. They are significant because they match vital socio-economic needs.