20th anniversary of FIEDS – italo – ecuadorian fund for sustainable development

AVSI Ecuador participated to the celebration of 20 years of FIEDS an innovative and exemplary financing development strategy  

Countries Ecuador
Date 05.04.2023

FIEDS – Italo – Ecuadorian Fund for Sustainable Development, celebrated 20 years of its debt swap between Ecuador and Italy, this mechanism represents a strategic tool that allows the financing of development projects, making it possible to transform the lives of even more vulnerable people.

On March 22, 2003, the first agreement was signed, creating the Italo – Ecuadorian Fund, and concluding in the financing of 115 development projects.

Finally, in 2016, a second agreement was signed, establishing the FIEDS – Italo – Ecuadorian Fund for Sustainable Development. Currently, they have 37 projects and a health program.

In commemoration of the 20th anniversary, FIEDS held an event last Wednesday, March 29. The celebration brought together officials from the Italian government, the federal and provincial Ecuadorian government, the United Nations, and key Ecuadorian universities, as well as beneficiaries from all over Ecuador, who have been participants and witnesses of the projects’ excellence.

From the left to the right of the front table: Mario Beccia (Head of AICS), Caterina Bertolini (Italian Embassador), Gabriela Muñoz (Co-director of FIEDS – Ecuador), Pietro Graziani (Co-director of FIEDS – Italy).
From the left to the right of the front table: Mario Beccia (Head of AICS), Caterina Bertolini (Italian Embassador), Gabriela Muñoz (Co-director of FIEDS – Ecuador), Pietro Graziani (Co-director of FIEDS – Italy).

Yubari Valero, AVSI Country Representative in Ecuador, and Julio Troya, AVSI Ecuador Projects Officer, had the honor of attending the event.

AVSI Ecuador is proud to be part of this local social development transformation. The project “Prevention, Recovery and Treatment of Child Chronic Malnutrition, with a community approach ” in the provinces of Santa Elena and Chimborazo, will start the second semester of 2023 and it will be implemented for 2 and half years, is financed by FIEDS, and implemented with project partners, SEMBRAR Foundation and the International University of Ecuador (UIDE), and supported by CREN, a child nutrition NGO based in Brazil, as the methodological counterpart.

We congratulate FIEDS – Italo - Ecuadorian Fund for Sustainable Development, for 20 years promoting the sustainable development of Ecuador.

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