Last February in the universities of Lombardy was launched by AVSI and the International center for development cooperation of the University of Pavia a contest to promote communication plans on the development sector, and to explain to students, public opinion, and stakeholders the actions of the Italian cooperation (in particular the contribution of AICS the Italian agency for development). In addition, the contest had also the goal to present the initiatives co-funded by the Global Fund on the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria in Uganda.
The winners of the contest were two initiatives able to start a viral communication campaign using new media (social) without excluding the more traditional one (newspapers articles, radio).
The award of the contest was the possibility to travel to Uganda for ten days and collect materials, videos, and photos to use in the communication campaign for the project. Due to the pandemic and the shutdown of the borders, it was not possible for the students to go to Uganda. However, the project did not end, and it had found new ways to become an opportunity of education and full involvement for the students who had the possibility to interact with experts on communication and with the local staff in Uganda.
The end product of this commitment is called UNBEATABLE and it is a new way to tell how the main characters, the operators, and the beneficiaries of a development project act by creating an interaction between the website (, photos, videos, and a campaign shaped for social networks and Instagram in particular. UNBEATABLE, online from December 1st, tells the story of Wilfred (a doctor), Oscar (a health worker), Michael (a boda-boda driver), and Akwelo (a mother), all from Uganda, who are followed on their daily life and introduce the spectator to the internal dynamics of the international development, to show it from near outside of all stereotypes. / Italian Trailer
Ideation and realization of the web platform Anita Calchi Novati and Elisa Deluis
With the contribution of the web design and brand identity agency Parco Studio
Ideation of the video concept Lorenzo Giardina, Antony Bidzogo, Silvia Mazzei and Valerio Picca
Realization of the video and photo contributions Michele Sibiloni
Communication campaign on Instagram Cultur-e
Unbeatable is a communication and awareness raising initiative realized for the project "Maximize - Maximizing the impact against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria in 8 Districts of the Acholi Region, Northern Uganda” (AID 011141/07/01), an initiative part of the projects of the Global Funds for the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.
With the contribution of the Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (Italian agency for development).
in collaboration with Università degli studi di Pavia (University of Pavia)