“We are now facing a phase of revival of international cooperation, in which we are supposed to define new targets”, Michele Valensise, Secretary General of Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said on april 24th, during the event role of the private sector in sustainable development, organized by AVSI.
Content of the new law for the Italian International Cooperation has been debated during the event. The purpose was to define a renewed alliance of companies, non-profit, finance, public institutions, based on human dignity and the common good. The event was attended by over 150 guests.
"To build a real Italian way to development is possible – Secretary general of AVSI Foundation Giampaolo Silvestri said in his speech – The new law for the Italian international cooperation is a unique opportunity. But to seize it true partnerships between all actors are required: private sector, institutions, civil society must work together and everyone's commitment is needed. Community development is no longer considered charity, it is now part of companies' business model. That is because every person has a value and a talent, and that means that there is a different way to look at poverty: the person and his rights can be a starting point and not a burden or a constraint”
"Private sector needs to contribute to development investment – Italian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Lapo Pistelli explained - The institution of International Cooperation is the main tool in order to create a better world and to fight the global disorder. The purpose is to let private sector grow abroad. We have to say that the overall climate around this kind of policy is positive and that chances for the different actors to meet are growing”.