On September 14th 2020, the AVSI Board of Directors established the Advisory Board, a new body envisaged by the recently renewed statute of the AVSI Foundation.
Composed of figures external to the Foundation itself, authoritative and qualified, the Advisory Board is called upon to provide consultancy support to the management of AVSI Foundation, in particular concerning the definition of strategic guidelines.
“The Board of Directors that I chair - notes Patrizia Savi, AVSI president - considered important to identify people with international profiles who can accompany AVSI as we grow. The projects implemented and the budget managed in 2019 confirm that we are achieving important results, however in this context we need to grow in awareness of global trends, find clear directions and escape self-referentiality".

Four major personalities from international cooperation and from the Italian political world accepted the invitation from AVSI to join the Advisory Board: Angelino Alfano, Laura Frigenti, Paolo Lembo and Stefano Manservisi.
“We are very proud to have these four remarkable individuals join our effort - declares Giampaolo Silvestri, AVSI secretary general. Each has made their skills available, free of charge, because they share our vision and support our mission which places the person and his/her dignity at the center of development. We are sure that our organization will benefit from their engagement, from those of us in the leadership down to each and every one who is a protagonist of our projects around the world.”