Syria. The protagonists of “Open Hospital” project

Date 02.01.2019

As a concrete answer to the request for help from the Syrian people, thanks to the initiative of Cardinal Mario Zenari, apostolic nuncio in Syria, and the support of the Department for the Integral Human Development Service, the “Open Hospitals” project was conceived in 2016 and became operational in 2017.

The main objective is to ensure free access to medical treatment for Syrians in poor conditions, through the strengthening of three non-profit hospitals: the Italian Hospital and the French Hospital in Damascus, and the St. Louis Hospital in Aleppo. This project has already provided more than 15.000 free treatments to poor Syrians (as of 15/01/2019) and aims to reach 50.000 within the next two years.

We told on Instagram the stories of some of the protagonists of the project, click on each and find out more

Syria Aleppo George Teodori
EID 50Xlasiria
Mounira 50Xla Siria
Siria Damasco Noubar Kalout
Angi Ospedali Aperti