The project "Food Security & Resilience in Transitioning Environments" (FORESITE) implemented in former Warrap, Lakes and Western Bahr El Gazal States in South Sudan, has been officially launched in August 2019. Aimed at helping boost South Sudan’s rural development, the EU funded program has a duration of 3 years and 8 months and covers nine administrative divisions, with an estimated population of 25,000 each.
The action has 3 main objectives:
- work with local authorities and communities to reduce barriers to engagement in resilience-building, food security and income generating activities, especially for women and youth
- manage more effectively local resources (natural, infrastructural and social) to increase anticipatory, absorptive and adaptive capacity with respect to climate change and disruptive events, including natural disasters and conflict
- promote initiatives to improve food security and income, especially for women and youth. Savings groups, professional trainings for farmers and income diversification are some of the actions supported by the program.
The project is designed to align with the Government of South Sudan’s Comprehensive Agricultural Development Master Plan (CAMP), and it sets out the country’s framework for agricultural development under four themes: Reconstruction and Recovery, Food and Nutrition Security, Economic Growth and Livelihood Security and Institutional Development.
FORESITE is jointly undertaken by the AVSI Foundation, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and World Vision as the lead of the consortium.
During the start-up workshop, held to outline the processes and requirements of the project, representatives from all the parties of the consortium have defined their role and contributions.
For AVSI, Manuel Ciarcelluti (Acting Project Manager), Luca Scarpa (South Sudan Country Representative), Abraham Nyanwel and John Chiech (Protection Project Officers) shared the Foundation’s focus on peacebuilding and community-based participatory planning best practices and principles. Within the project, AVSI will conduct a conflict mapping and social network analysis and will provide technical leadership for all peacebuilding activities.
Mary Khozombah, Livelihood and Food Security Specialist, shared NRC’s commitment for durable solutions and its readiness to contribute its expertise in information counseling and legal assistance.
EU representatives, Michaela Tallarico (Head of Finance in South Sudan), Francis Lagu (Political, Press and Information Section), Tonderayi Makumire (Team Leader for Technical Assistance for Rural Development in South Sudan) and Elisabetta Bellocchi (Deputy Head of Delegation in South Sudan) addressed, among others, the issue of visibility and communication.
Mesfin Loha, World Vision’s Country Programme Director stated that "this great partnership will bring expertise to the table to spur development in the communities."