The project is implemented under the coordination of FDP Romania in partnership with AVSI and LifeGate Rehabilitation. The project started in September 2016 and will continue till June 2017.
In Lifegate, the institution that provides the training as well as many other activities that support the students according to a holistic methodology, every day the young apprentices prepare various meals for the breakfast of the other students of the center as well as for the external visitors, using only high quality and organic products. They follow carefully the directions of their trainers, who kindly follow them step by step, and they smile happy and satisfied when delivering the final result of their work. Personally, I tried the chicken sandwich accompanied by an Arabic salad and fresh made orange juice, which I heartily recommend if you have the opportunity to try one their meals.
The breakfast time is a happy moment for everybody who takes part of it: the students and their teachers have some relax between their lessons, gathered in the nice and colored cafeteria of Lifegate, while the visitors share with them this cheerful moment. Beside the meals, the furniture and the decorations of the room also are a result of the work of the trainees of the other trainings, and make the place very alive and part of the students’ life.
Within the objective of the project to contribute to the social inclusion of young disabled people in a sustainable economic manner, 23 more young people with disabilities are increasing their qualification through vocational trainings and activities to support their job insertion. The trainings include: Knitting, Sewing, Embroidery, Pottery and ceramics, Laundry services, Leather and Shoe repair, Olive wood, Carpentry, Blacksmith. The parents of the students are also involved in the training program, through periodic parents meetings and home visits, so that they can support their children in developing their skills, in finding job opportunities in one of the workshops of their community or to open a new one after they finish their planned training program and in becoming more independent.