Respecting human rights: challenges and chances for Italian companies. A workshop organized and promoted by the Italian Inter-ministerial Committee for Human Rights and AVSI Foundation in Milan, on May 9th, 2016. During the workshop, AVSI will present the 2016 edition of its innovative tool to enable companies to begin reporting on their human rights performance, regardless of size or how far they have progressed in implementing their responsibility to respect human rights.
CIDU – AVSI Workshop
“Human rights: the new rules of global competition?”
Respecting human rights: challenges and chances for Italian companies
9 May 2016, Milano
Gi Group Piazza IV Novembre, 5
9:15 – 13:00
fter the adoption by the UN Council for Human Rights of the approach proposed by Prof. John Ruggie (the 2008 Framework Protect, Respect and Remedy and the related 2011 Guiding Principles) the respect for human rights has finally become a commitment for business operators. Therefore, human rights have to guide the behaviour of all economic operators, large and small, throughout their production activities in all countries and markets.
On the other hand companies complying with human rights, in particular with regard to environmental safety and workers safeguard, have to cope with the demanding challenge of competition by companies incorporated, or operating in, countries where human rights are not included in national legal systems, or are not adequately protected and implemented.
Also the so-called Made in Italy could be particularly at risk, especially in large sectors of the Italian economy such as construction, farming and agro-industry, textile and clothing industry.
How to face this challenge. If it is true that permissive legislations allow substantial inequalities, both inside the EU and elsewhere, on the other hand consumers are more sensitive to services and products made with ethical and sustainable methods. Therefore respecting human rights can become an important asset not only to add value to the Made in Italy but also to further qualify key factors of the business world as a whole and, in particular, of the Italian economy, which mainly relies on small and medium sized enterprises. Indeed this kind of enterprises – particularly close to workers and consumers - is endowed with strength and specific quality which could translate into a factor of consensus and attraction vis-à-vis the main players of the market, such as investors, commercial and production partners and, of course, consumers.
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