European Development Days, ideas and practices on development

Date 11.07.2016

A crossroads of ideas and practices on the issue of development, a place for meeting and exchange between those who bring experiences from the world and who want to discover new models and paths: these are the main features of the European Development Days (EDD), promoted by the European Commission, held on June 15th-16th.

The event is a unique case of insight into issues of development cooperation at world level. This year, the 10th edition of EDD focused on “turning Sustainable Development Goals into action” including dozens of meetings, panels and debates centered on the four P: People, Partnership, Prosperity and Peace.

AVSI's intervention emerged in several occasions and on issues such as the fight against child labor, the future scenario of energy in African cities and education in emergency. John Maria Vianney Mitana, principal of Luigi Giussani Institute of Higher Education, spoke about these challenges. Listen to his speech: