On February 24th, Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission was greeted with dances and songs at the AVSI-Khandlelo socio-educational centre. Co-funded by the European Development Fund (EDF), the centre is attended daily by about 300 children and young people from the outskirts of Maputo, in Mozambique.
The socio-educational centre opened its doors in 2011 and today accommodates 300 children and young people of the Xipamanine district, offering them an educational path including extra curricular, nutritional and recreational activities as well as providing family support.
“Maria Grazia Rizzo” centre is run by Khandlelo - AVSI's local partner since 2000 - supported by the AVSI Distance Support Programme. Since November 2015 some other activities have been taking place at the centre which have been funded by the European Development Fund (EDF) and been implemented by PAANE, the Mozambican programme supporting civil society and non-state actors.
The centre is located at the heart of the Xipamanine district, in the outskirts of Maputo standing out for the beauty of its structure in a context of widespread environmental degradation.
This official visit is part of the attention paid by Ms. Morgherini during various trips to Africa to foster partnerships with Europe and to create a real dialogue leading to development and opportunities, especially for the younger generation. As the Vice-President of the European Commission often stresses: “Investing in the education of young people to tackle radicalization and recruitment from criminal organisations” is crucial.