Open Hospitals in Syria doesn't stop
- Plenty more updates about "Open Hospitals" on L'Osservatore Romano - - - (in Italian, Spanish, French) -
Winning with AVSI
- The Sacchi Group, a private company and our long-time partner, won the Colam Sustainability Awards, an international contest created by Sonepar to highlight the initiatives of the compagnie around the world that have an impact on environmental, inclusive and social issues on -
News about the activities of our projects
- in Uganda, our colleague S. Rizzo about our project SAY to support young people engaged in agriculture to improve their skills, production and market access on Daily Monitor (Uganda's leading independent daily)
- in Syria, bringing solar energy to Maaloula, historical Syrian town, thanks to funds provided by Polish Aid on
- in Iraq, the influencer Sara Melotti visited our projects and posted a special video about our work in a troubled country on her Instagram profile, with a proposal to support our Distance Support Program on her Instagram account
- in Italy, our project “F.I.O.R.I. in the field”, funded by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in Italy, to support migrants with a contribution for socio-professional integration and the prevention of exploitation in the agri-food sector on Rolling Stone magazine (web Italian edition)
- in Italy, our project with Caritas in Italy for the job placement of young migrants on -
Haiti after the August earthquake
- Our colleague F.Cappellini about the difficult situation in Haiti on - Devex (a media platform for the global development community)