AVSI’s contributions to the common debate
- The list of top ten Italian NGOs with a remark by G.Silvestri, our Secretary General, about the impact of the pandemic on Info-cooperazione.it (italian development cooperation community website)
- Maria Laura Conte, AVSI's Communications Director, about a new way to comunicate third-sector entities on Corriere della Sera (Buone Notizie)
Our Tents Campaign 2021-2022 Projects
- in Lebanon on Tracce (CL magazine)
- in Ecuador on CLonline.org
News about the activities of our projects
- in Peru, the country with the highest COVID death rate in the world, our work with the distance support program on Vita.it
- in Italy, our latest project to help Italian families affected by the pandemic on Vita (Italian magazine)
- in Uganda, our project Value for Waste iselected as part of Coopen, a participative process promoted by Innovazione per lo Sviluppo, a programme supported by Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo on Il Sole 24 Ore
AVSI from the field
- Kenya - from Nairobi, updates about Dadaab Refugee Camp by our colleague A. Bianchessi on the Vatican Radio at min.10:00
- Uganda - schools reopens after 2 Years of COVID lockdown; M.Giacomazzi on Rai Radio 2 at min. 32:58
News from our Founding members
- Silvia Galbiati of MASP (one of the AVSI’s Founders) tells the crisis in Kazakhstan on Corriere della Sera
- How FDP, our founding member, responds to the COVID emergency in Romania on Corriere della Sera