AVSI meets Pope Francis
On Saturday September 3, after the conference celebrating the first 5 years of the #OpenHospitals Project in #Syria, supported by the Holy See, a representation of AVSI was received in audience by Pope Francis. Read here the complete press review
AVSI’s contributions to the common debate
G. Silvestri, our secretary general, about
A letter of P. Savi, our President, about our meeting with Pope Francis on Tracce
M. Rossin signs an article about special needs and international adoption on Vita.it
Last updates from
Mozambique: M. Ruscio, AVSI Regional Programs Coordinator, about the tragic death of Comboni Sister Maria De Coppi and our work in the country on Vita.it and about the difficult situation in the country and our work to help the IDPs on Dire.it - Agensir.it. Our colleague L. Scarpa about displaced people & host communities in Cabo Delgado on Rai TG3 Mondo
Sierra Leone: G. Bagaglia, AVSI Country Rep, about our projects in the country on SBS (Australian radio)
Syria: our project Open Hospital on Christian Media Center (multimedia center)
Kazakhstan: our work with MASP on Vatican News
Uganda: our project “Waste to value” on L'Osservatore Romano
Haiti: AVSI’s presence on The Guardian
AVSI's Birthday
Happy birthday AVSI! A short report by Alessandro Banfi on Clonline.org