Sector Energy
23 Projects
8 Countries
37,552 Direct beneficiaries

Studies and field experience show that energy access and human development are directly connected. For this reason, during the last ten years AVSI has considerably increased its focus on the energy sector, becoming one of the official implementing partner of Energising Development (EnDev) program, member of the Clean cooking alliance and of the Microgrid Academy promoted by RES4Africa.

AVSI is recognised for its sustained proximity and deep knowledge of local communities and for its peculiar integrated approach based on education, awareness raising and value chain support.

Our engagement

Our engagement in the energy sector consist in a wide range of integrated activities implemented in different projects:

  • Access to renewable energy: promotion of renewable energy technologies like off-grid mini-grids for rural communities; solar home systems (SHSs); biodigester for farmers and households;
  • Facilitation of the development of the renewable energy value chain: market studies, access to finance, access to electric appliances.
  • Productive use of energy (PUE) promotion
  • Clean cooking and Improved cook stoves: value chain promotion through a market-based approach towards sustainability; awareness raising and behavioural change campaigns conception and implementation; market studies and assessments; advocacy to local authorities and governments.
  • Energy efficiency: domestic energy efficiency promotion (installation of led bulbs and low consumption domestic appliances); training and awareness raising campaigns targeting households, schools and communities with particular focus on informal settlements and rural areas

Some examples

Our impact

31.147 People who have participated in vocational training; employment guidance and placement; and self-employment
12.679 People who have participated in energy improvement activities
79.813 People who have found work/started livelihood activities
262.378 People who have increased their income/improved their livelihoods
5.552.597 People who have improved their health status