Accreditations and Memberships

Italian accreditations

AVSI is registered as a Civil Society Organization (CSO) registered – pursuant to Italian Law no. 125 of August 11th, 2014 – at no. 57 in the list of non-profit entities held by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) with Decree no. 2016/337/000143/0 of April 4th, 2016.

AVSI is registered in the Charity Database of the Italian Revenue Agency (ref. no. 57967 of November 23rd, 2015).

AVSI is registered in the first section, at no. A/1192/2020/FC, in the Register of Entities and Associations that Perform Activities for Immigrants held by the Italian Ministry for Employment and Social Policies as per Article 42, Italian Consolidated Immigration Act.

AVSI is a body authorized by the Italian government to perform international adoption activities as per Decree no. 50/2000/AE/AUT/CC/DEL issued on October 4th, 2000, by the International Adoptions Commission.

AVSI is accredited for Civil Service activities with reference no. SU00-202 pursuant to Italian Law no. 64 of March 6th, 2011, as amended, at the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Services, President of the Council of Ministers.

AVSI is registered in the List of Economic Operators of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A., in the category “Support Services for International Cooperation”.

AVSI is listed in the Register of Representatives of Interest to the Chamber of Deputies.

In addition, AVSI is:

  • A member of the Italian National Council for Development Cooperation, pursuant to Italian Law no. 125 of August 11th, 2014.
  • A member of the National Forum for Sustainable Development, referred to in Resolution no. 108 of December 22nd, 2017, of CIPE, the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Economic Planning.
  • A partner of the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Human Rights, in particular regarding the themes of Business and Human Rights.

National memberships

  • CdO Opere sociali (Italian social charities association)
  • Concord Italia
  • CoLomba – COoperazione LOMBArdia
  • Italo-Senegalese and West Africa Chamber of Commerce (CISAO)
  • Italian Scientific Committee to provide Guidelines on Assessing the Impact of Child Sponsorship
  • Kyoto Club
  • VolontaRomagna ODV
  • OLA OLTRE L’ADOZIONE - Coordinating Authorized Entities for the Subsidiarity of International Adoption

International accreditations

AVSI enjoys general consultative status at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

We are accredited with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

We are an observer on the Executive Board of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP).

We are on the special list of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

We are an accredited participant of UN Global Compact.

We have been awarded Pre-Qualification Procurement (PQP) Status by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), and the EU Humanitarian Partnership Certificate by the EU’s Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO).

We are accredited on the European Union’s Transparency Register.

We are a Global Nutrition Cluster accredited partner.

International memberships

We are a member of:

  • The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action
  • Cities Alliance
  • Clean Cooking Alliance
  • Engagement Group, Global Electric Cooking Coalition (GeCCo)
  • Global Modern Slavery Directory
  • Global Food Security Cluster (FSC)
  • Interagency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
  • Misconduct Disclosure Scheme (MSD) 
  • NGO sub-group of Education Cannot Wait civil society constituency
  • Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) – World Bank
  • Philanthropy Europe Association (Philea)
  • Poverty Alleviation Coalition (PAC) – UNHCR
  • School Meals Coalition
  • Stakeholder Network, Friends of Europe

Membership in other legal entities

  • VITA Società Editoriale
  • Fondazione Banco Alimentare
  • Fondazione Cascina Triulza
  • I Fish Farm social business (Uganda)
  • NOVA ENERGIA cooperative (Mozambique)

We are also a founding member of the non-profit bodies AVSI México and AVSI Rwanda, a honorary member of AVSI Brasil, a founding member of the Cowa Company (Kenya), a founding member and member of the board of Edimar Social Center (Cameroon).